Festive Moments of Unity and Joy in our Shelters

In a festive and warm atmosphere, special Christmas events were held in all the shelters of our organization, where the General Director, His Eminence Archimandrite Fr Panteleimon Papasynefakis, staff of the central administration and of each shelter respectively, as well as the beneficiaries, participated with enthusiasm. These moments filled everyone’s hearts with joy, hope and a sense of community.

The presence of the Secretary General for Vulnerable Citizens and Institutional Protection, Mr. Hercules Moskov, at one of our events was a special honour. During his visit, he expressed his support for our work, chatted with the attendees and shared warm wishes for love, progress and peace. His presence reinforced the spirit of cooperation and giving that has underpinned our work throughout the year.

Visit the “Our News” column on our website or follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter for more!

* The accommodation facility for unaccompanied minors operates under the framework of the program “Greece Program – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027”

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