KAICIID Through Our Eyes : Exploring Identity and Integration Through Intercultural Dialogue

The project “THROUGH OUR EYES: Exploring Identity and Integration though Intercultural Dialogue” was implemented between November 2023 and May 2024 by two organizations Center for Cultural Dialogue in Croatia and Synyparxis-Ecumenical Refugee Programme in Greece.

The two main goals of the project were:

  1. To facilitate integration of young migrants and refugees by nurturing intercultural communication skills, fostering connections, and providing platforms for creative expression in two EU cities,
  2. To provide a platform for intercultural dialogue and activities for young migrants and refugees and make it known.

Visit the “Our News” column on our website or follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter for more!

* The accommodation facility for unaccompanied minors operates under the framework of the program “Greece Program – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027”

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