Life Opportunity: Our Children in AEK Athens Academies

We would like to thank AEK FC for the valuable opportunity that offered to 5 children of our shelters to join their academies. This move allows them to develop their sports skills, while strengthening their team spirit and love for sports.

“AEK Athens highlights once again its social face, confirming once again the motto “It is different to be AEK Athens”.

At the beginning of September we received a request from the Youth Accommodation Shelter of the AMKE “SYNYPARXIS” (Ecumenical Refugee Programme).

“SYNYPARXIS” is a civil non-profit organization of the Church of Greece with many years of activity in supporting applicants for international protection.

As part of its activities, the organization operates a Shelter for unaccompanied minors near Victoria Square. Currently the shelter accommodates 30 unaccompanied minor refugees, boys aged 8 to 17 years old.

1 coordinator, 2 social workers, including 1 scientific coordinator, 1 psychologist, 2 teachers, 2 interpreters, 1 pediatrician and 6 child carers are employed in our shelter.

The request was for our assistance in order to give one of the adolescent beneficiaries of the shelter the opportunity to convince of his abilities and to join the football team (in the form of a sponsorship).

In the end, the Cooperating Academy “A.O Kolonos” agreed to integrate five (5) children and not only one as initially requested by the above mentioned shelter.

In fact, according to the head of the Academy, Mr. S. Gavrielidis, free clothing has already been provided and free medical examinations will be carried out for the children.

This is a great movement characterised by solidarity, respect and a human-centred approach. The children are already training with the others and enjoying the whole process.”

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* The accommodation facility for unaccompanied minors operates under the framework of the program “Greece Program – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027” 

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