Scholarship by ΙΕΚ PRESTIGE Telis Kikeris

After five months of operation of the hairdressing workshop in one of our shelters under the guidance of our instructor Mr. Zoi Triantafyllou-Sfakianakis, the IEK Prestige Telis Kikeris gave a full scholarship with all the educational tools to one of our children, in order to continue his studies of the object.

We would like to express our warm thanks to IEK Prestige Telis Kikeris as well as to Mr. Anastasis Stavropoulos, hairdresser and founder of the Social Hairdressing of the Municipality of Athens, for his mediation.

Το οπτικοακουστικό υλικό είναι από την εκδήλωση παραλαβής της υποτροφίας που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη δομή μας την 1η Απριλίου 2022, παρουσία των παιδιών & του προσωπικού της δομής, καθώς επίσης του κ. Σταυρόπουλου και της υπεύθυνης χορηγιών της Συνύπαρξις κ. Βάμβουρα.

The audiovisual material is from the event of the scholarship that took place in one of our shelter on April 1, 2022, in the presence of the children & the staff of the shelter, as well as Mr. Stavropoulos and the person in charge of sponsorship of the Coexistence Mr. Vamvouras.


* The shelter for unaccompanied minors operates in the framework of the program “Creation and operation of Shelters for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees and Migrants” funded by the Sectoral Development Program of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum.

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