Today 20/05/2022, an event was held in one of our shelters in which one of our children, who participates in the professional hairdressing team, received a scholarship of IEK Prestige Telis Kikerisevent. The scholarship was given by the General Manager of SYNΥPARXIS arch. Panteleimon Papasynefakis along with best wishes for the bright future of the child.
This event was attended by the Mayor of Nikaia – St. Ioannis Renti, Mr. Ioakeimidis George, Mr. Chatzinikolaou Andreas, working employee at the town hall of Nikaia – St. Ioannis Rentis the Deputy Mayor of Social Policy, Mrs. Moutafidou Vassiliki, the Special Advisor to the Mayor Mrs. Irini Kounenaki, Mrs. Plousia Nikolintai, working in the Directorate of Social Protection of Equality and the Elderly and of course the staff of the SYNYPARXIS organization.