The Reintegration Center for Returning Migrants provides to repatriated Greeks the following services:
- Reporting and counseling regarding social security issues.
- Filing of complaints against insurance agencies and submission of claims before German courts in cases of rejection of applications for disability pensions and other social benefits
- Processing of requests regarding the authentication of the year of birth as well as of the years of parenting of children born in Germany.
- Servicing of requests concerning years of insurance in case of loss of insurance cards and the issuance of new data from their respective pension providers.
- Processing medical insurance claims in Greece to insurers predominantly German.
- Processing requests for assistance grants and home care to disabled people.
- Fulfilling family allowances requests from competent bodies abroad.
- Information and processing issues related to the German Ephorate, the German Banks, businesses and any other authority abroad.
- Processing of applications for additional pension from companies and enterprises where the repatriates have been working when abroad.
- Ensure free legal representation in German Courts during hearigns for objections and other appeals.
- Bringing claims to the European Court against negative decisions of the German Social Courts and pro bono representation.
- Participation in campaigns informing repatriates on specific changes of the German Insurance Law and the relevant European Directives and Decisions.
- Social support services in order to assist social and professional reintegration of returnees and the families in the Greek reality.
- Employment counseling for returnees and their children.
- Information to Greek immigrants, who wish or intend to repatriate (financial matters, insurance issues, employment, education, etc.).
- Organization of cultural, entertainment, educational programs and events for returnees and their families.
- Sensitising the public opinion in Greece and abroad on various aspects of the phenomenon of repatriation through the press and mass media and submitting memoranda to the relevant Greek and foreign authorities on those issues.
- Implemantation of programs related to repatriates, funded by national or external
Cooperation with state authorities and church services (Innere Mission, Diakonisches Werk, Dienste in Übersee) and insurance organizations abroad, and particularly with the Landesversicherungsantalt Württemberg, responsible for insurance issues of Greek immigrants in Germany and any another service that in any way has competence on matters of Greek immigrants and repatriates.
Conducting correspondence regarding the activities and programs implemented and financed by national or external resources programs and keep relevant records.
Recording files of personal data of the beneficiaries in the framework of its activities in accordance to the relevant legislation.