«The Church will do everything it can to appear worthy of the needs» said Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece during a meeting this afternoon with the Deputy Minister of Immigration and Asylum in charge of integration, Ms. Sofia Voultepsi. Ms. Voultepsi was accompanied by the Special Secretary for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors Mr. Iraklis Moskof, while present was the Chairman of the Steering Committee of AMKE “Synyparxis”, Metropolitan of Ilio, Acharnes and Petroupolis Mr. Athenagoras and the Secretary of the Synodal Committee on Finance and General Director of AMKE “Synyparxis”, Archimandrite Panteleimon Papasynnefakis.
Ms. Voultepsi stressed that “we had a working meeting to inform His Beatitude about the refugee situation after the invasion of Ukraine and especially about the situation of children and especially unaccompanied minors, for whom the Church has been trying to do for many years the best it can. We have laid the foundations of a new cooperation and it is certain that together we will achieve a lot once again “.
For his part, the Archbishop thanked Ms. Voultepsi and noted that “this is an issue that should really concern us. The Holy Synod sent a circular to the Dioceses and asked them to inform us that there are possibilities for serving these people “. He also stressed that during the meeting with the Deputy Minister “the issue focused on the protection of children and especially unaccompanied minors». We have the obligation to emphasize, once again, that the Church will do everything it can to appear worthy of the needs “. The Archbishop also announced that next week he will inform the DIS and will get in touch with the Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine Mr. Epifanios, in order to inform him. “We are at the beginning of a project that requires love and stubbornness,” the Archbishop said.
Source: http://www.ecclesia.gr