The Director of our Center, Archimandrite Panteleimon Papasinefakis, on the occasion of the forthcoming “Resurrection Day”, but also the unprecedented health crisis, which affects humanity, sent a “message” to the ambassador Mr. Makis Aggelopoulos and also fans of AEK.
«My dear President,
Dear friends of AEK,
“Ἀναστάς ὁ Ἰησοῦς ἀπό τοῦ τάφου καθώς προεῖπεν, ἔδωκεν ἡμῖν τήν αἰώνιον ζωήν καί μέγα ἔλεος”.
Shortly before the joyful message of the Resurrection of our Lord sounds, I contact you to convey to you my warmest wishes for health, strength and patience. The pandemic unfortunately drastically changed plans and even dreams. Years of effort will wait to bear fruit. But through our patience and our love for fellow human beings it is certain that we will soon be able to achieve new victories, to live joys and to envision new goals.
Now WE STAY HOME and discover what our hectic daily life had deprived us of. WE STAY HOME and make this EASTER special. We make our homes small churches from where everyone will pray while protecting themselves, their families and their brothers. The victor of death, our Risen Lord, the patient for all of us crucified death, the One who empowers us to endure every trial, is sure to acknowledge our sacrifice and reciprocate it a hundredfold when the time comes.
So until we meet again Happy Easter full of health, joy and love.