Press Release : Online Workshop in the framework of the EUFAST project

Press Release

On Friday, November 13, 2020, an online workshop organized by Integration Center for Migrant Workers- Ecumenical Refugee Program was held with great success in the framework of the “Eufast” project funded by Erasmus +, aiming at presenting the results of the project so far. Adapted to the extraordinary conditions we experience due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the workshop managed to maintain its interactive character with the participation of representatives of all implementing organisations, role models and professionals in the field.  During the meeting, moderated by the lawyer ms. Christina Voulimenea, coordinator of the project
on behalf of KSPM-ERP, the partners were given the opportunity to present the objectives and the course of implementation of the project so far. Τhe participation of two of the role models of the project was of significant interest as they conveyed the perspective of the beneficiaries. The workshop ended with answers to questions submitted by the participants.

Press Release

Invitation to the online Workshop


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