The Christmas Message from SYNYPARXIS to the Archbishops of Thessaloniki

The underage refugee children of SYNYPARXIS hosted at the shelter of Thessaloniki, accompanied by our professionals, visited the Metropolises of the city to sing Christmas carols and offer gifts to the Bishops of the region. The first stop was the Metropolis of Thessaloniki, where our children were warmly welcomed by His Eminence, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki, Mr. Theophilos, along with his predecessor, Metropolitan Mr. Anthimos. They sang carols and exchanged wishes for a creative year with abundant and fruitful work for our organization, which is supported by the Holy Metropolis in every way. Both His Eminence Mr. Theophilos and Elder Metropolitan Mr. Anthimos, after receiving the gifts of love offered to them, blessed the accompanying professionals and each child individually. Just before the children left, His Eminence, after offering his own gift to the children and the professionals, promised to visit them again and have the opportunity to see first-hand the work being done in Thessaloniki.

The second stop for the refugee children was the Holy Metropolis of Neapolis and Stavroupolis, where they were received by His Eminence, Metropolitan of Neapolis & Stavroupolis, Mr. Varnavas, who listened to our children sing carols. His Eminence emphasized the importance of SYNYPARXIS among nations and the compassion we owe to the children who have tasted pain by giving them a smile, an embrace. At the same time, he congratulated our organization for not only adhering to the “formalities” but constantly seeking the acceptance and integration of children into the local community on every occasion. Just before the commemorative photo, the children offered a handmade gift to His Eminence, inviting him to visit them again soon at their home. Both our professionals and the children, through their symbolic gestures, wanted to express not only their gratitude for the support they receive but also to underline the crucial role of the Church in the process of integration and acceptance of unaccompanied refugee children.

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* The accommodation facility for unaccompanied minors operates under the framework of the program “Greece Program – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027”

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